Here are a few things you may want to take care of while you’re springing your clock forward.
- Flip Your Mattress – First thing when you wake up, remove your pillow covers, blankets and sheets (see #2) then flip your mattress. It’s always smart to do this every 6-months. Doing this during Daylight Savings time will keep you fairly close to this schedule. Got crumbs too? Vacuum it first before you flip!
- Wash Bedding, Pillows & Blankets – wash those pillow covers, blankets and sheets!
- Put Winter Clothes Away – put those winter outfits away or move them to the back of your closet. You won’t need most of them moving forward! Even better? Go thru the items that have damages like stains or rips and toss them out or make a box for donation.
- Bring out Spring Clothes – if you’ve packed away your spring clothes, it’s now time to bring them out and place them toward the front of your closet!
- Check Batteries in Smoke Detector – It’s so important for your smoke detector to be in good working order. Make sure the batteries are working or change them out completely. If your detector is 10 years or older, it’s time to replace it.
- Clean Vents & Change Filters – Clean all the vents in your home. They are sure to be full of dust! Plus, change out your air conditioning filter along with any other filters you might have in other devices & appliances: vacuum, refrigerator, coffee makers. While you’re changing, clean out those appliances too!
- Clean Refrigerator & Pantry – throw away freezer-burn food, food that is older than 6 months or has expired according to the expiration date on the package. Throw away old pantry items that have expired or you no longer use.
- Clean out Medicine Cabinet – make sure the prescriptions and medication in your cabinet have not expired. If they have, THROW THEM OUT!
- Restock First-Aid/Disaster Kit – Make of note of items you might be running out of for your first aid and disaster kit. If you don’t have a kit yet, now is a great time to start one.
- Clean Fireplace/ TV Entertainment Center – If you have a fireplace, clean it out. Wipe down the walls and clean out the ash. No Fireplace? Clean out your entertainment center or tv stand. Wipe with a soft cloth to remove dust from the insides and behind your TV.