How can you get tenants to clean regularly is a challenge for many property managers, so this week maintenance company Keepe provides some ideas on how to get tenants to clean regularly in order to help keep your rental property Continue reading →
Emotional support animals can be a challenge and landlords and requests may catch a property manager off guard so here are some options to think about.
By Holly Welles
Owning a rental property presents many challenges landlords may not anticipate Continue reading →
You will likely be faced with the need to do a rental property upgrades in the future, so this week’s maintenance tip from Keepe is a look at four upgrades that will help whether you are managing a multifamily apartment, Continue reading →
Though much uncertainty remains about the spread and prevention of the COVID-19 coronavirus, the Texas Homes Realty & Management team is here to ensure your rental & management needs are met. We continue to monitor developments as we focus on Continue reading →