The winter weather is upon us and now is the time to prepare for the cold from freezing the pipes. When water freezes, it expands. That”s why a can of soda explodes if it”s put into a Continue reading →
So you’ve pulled your sweaters out of mothballs and found your mittens at the bottom of the coat closet. But what about your house — is it prepared for the cold months ahead?
The latest MLS release with September 2013 residential sales statistics has been posted in the HAR Newsroom. It will be distributed to the media today so it will likely online casino be reported in the newspapers and on TV, radio Continue reading →
With Fall and Winter coming on, let’s discuss some preventative measures. In 2010 some 37 percent of home fires started in the chimney area, and another 32 percent were caused by space heaters. Be Continue reading →
It is extremely important that the provisions in a lease relating to a refund of a security deposit be followed except to the extent that they may conflict with the statutory law. However, generally, absent other provisions Continue reading →
This is the time of year we see a lot of HOA violations concerning mildew on the side of houses. According to information from DR Horton, Mildew is the visible result of a type of fungus growth. All fungi propagate Continue reading →
The Houston Rental Market is HOT!! They are so many opportunities available in this high demand rental market. What type of homes are consumers looking to rent in Houston Texas? How quickly are they Continue reading →
This is one of the most important documents in the renting process and can often be key in deciding how much of your deposit you get back at the end of your agreement. You should therefore be extremely thorough and Continue reading →