In honor of this day of love, here are some popular facts and statistics about Valentine’s Day that you may not know of:
- Every year, more than 36 million heart shaped boxes of chocolates are sold across the US.
- The average man spends $130 on Valentine’s Day, while women spend about $70.
- Every year, around 9 million people buy their pets a Valentine’s Day gift.
- February 14th is the second largest card giving day of the year, just after Christmas. This year, it’s expected that 1 billion cards will be exchanged around the world.
- Teachers receive the most Valentine’s Day cards, followed by kids, mothers, wives and girlfriends.
- The Valentine’s Day gift that people the most on is Jewelry.
- Hallmark was one of the first to mass produce a Valentine’s Day card, all the way back in 1913.
- More than one-third of men are comfortable not receiving anything from a lover on Valentine’s Day.
- The tradition of giving a box of chocolates on Valentine’s Day was started in the 19th century by Richard Cadbury, the chocolate manufacturing company.
- The first Valentine was written from prison by Charles, Duke of Orleans to his wife (how’s that for romantic!).
- Nearly 6 million couples get engaged on Valentine’s Day.
Hope everyone has a lovely day!!
Texas Homes Realty Staff